James Webb Space Telescope: The Story Unfolds is a live and interactive planetarium show developed by the INTUITIVE® Planetarium at the U.S. Space & Rocket Center.
The show highlights the engineering and deployment of the space telescope and then explores its four primary science mission objectives (Early Universe, Galaxies Over Time, Other Worlds, Stellar Life Cycles). The visualizations demonstrate concepts such as redshift, universe expansion, transit spectroscopy, and stellar birth. The show features the latest imagery from JWST and includes 3D visualizations of the Southern Ring Nebula and the Pillars of Creation. Deliverables include the following:
- Digistar assets for the show (things like fulldome pictures, scripts for various visualizations, models, a control panel, etc.).
- A detailed outline, script, resource guide, and marketing materials for the show.
- Quarterly show updates available.
- Onsite setup and training, where our staff will travel to your site to optimize the show for your planetarium. This time will be used to tailor the Digistar assets to your system and will include a show workshop where your presenters can solidify background knowledge, practice delivering the presentation, and get familiar with the control panels. We know not everyone uses Digistar in the same way, so we'd like to use this time to make the show the best it can be for your planetarium!
System Requirements:
This show captivates audiences not just through visuals alone but also through its ability to navigate people through the complexities of the JWST mission, engaging them in the ongoing quest to unfold the story of the universe. ~Liz Klimek (South Carolina State Museum)
For more information, visit filmfreeway.com/jwst